French Drain Cost

Evaluating French drain cost in total is quite difficult because the prices vary. Most of the cost in making a French drain comes from the essential parts like gravel and fabric. To be able to calculate the exact costs, you must consider the different factors in making a French drain.

Installing a French drain is not a complicated procedure so many homeowners choose to do it on their own. You can reduce costs by putting your effort in it and do it yourself instead of hiring professionals to do it for you.

French Drain Cost: Cost-Determining Factors

The French drain cost varies depending on the different factors. A good starting point in determining the costs is the parameters of a typical drain. The width and length of your French drain determines how much it’s going to cost. Another thing to consider is the condition of the soil you are installing your French drain on. Sometimes you have to replace the expansive soil to a non-expansive kind of soil to lessen the destructive effects of expansive soil.

French Drain Cost: Different Types of French Drain

Using different types of French Drain can determine French Drain cost. One type is the shallow French drain or curtain drain. This type of drain doesn’t have to be deep so it costs less than other types of French drain.

If the French drain basement system you have installed doesn’t keep water out, then you may need a deeper one. This type called footing drain runs at footing level. It is not difficult to install during the construction of your house but if you add it later, it can be quite difficult and expensive depending on the size.

You can build an interiorFrench drain basement system if you can’t keep water out of your basement by using the footing drain. The perforated pipe installed goes around the floor of your basement and carries the water into a collection tank in the floor. This type of drainage system can be less expensive than the footing drain.

After fixing your drainage system, you can start finishing your basement by deciding what your basement is going to be used as or maybe looking at basement light ideas. The French drain cost may get expensive but remember that it is a necessity to help maintain the quality of your basement.

Your basement is the foundation and an integral part of your home so before you launch into any major work on it, make sure you find out everything you need to know or else it can be long, painful and expensive.  Don't jump into it before visiting French drain basement.  It's the number one resource on the internet.